Monday, July 9, 2007

Add a tag to someone else work!

In Koinup you can! When you see a work that caught your eyes, you can assign it all the tags you want! We call this feature “Community Tagging”!
In Koinup you can not only comment on works created by other members, but also add tags to them
While comments express your opinion about a work, tags are more about the description of it. So if you think that the author of a work miss to describe some aspects of it, you could add other tags. For all details on Social/Community Tagging you can have a view at our faq page. Before browsing all aspects of social tagging, take care of this two main aspects:

1)While uploading your work, you can choose to allow social tags or not!
2)Social tags doesn't affect the ranking of a work!

Looking for a work to start "community tagging"? Have a look to our more recent machinima, pictures and stories



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