Some people ask us to improve our messaging! We are doing it! With the new update you can choose to make visible your email address and allow the recipients to reply directly to you!
Until now, if you have sent a message to members of Koinup, they received it in their email boxes with the Koinup Service Email address, so that they weren't able to reply to you directly
In order to reply to your message, they would have to login Koinup, reach your page and send a private message you, too!
Too much steps!
Now, with this feature, you can send a private message and allow the recipient to receive the message from your email address, so he will be able to reply to you directly, from his email box (only one step!)
To make visible your email address, you have to check the “Show my email address” option and then “send” the message
The Image above is self-evident
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