Would you like to invite your Second Life friends to join Koinup? Well, You Can!
Click the link: Invite Sl Friends (in the head menu) and send invitation to your inworld buddies!
In order to send the invitation, click on the link and then insert your Second Life Credentials (First Name, Last Name, SecondLife Password) and eventually login in your Second Life Account
Don't worry, we don't store your data and credentials and we use your Second Life Credentials, only to fetch your friends list and send them a message! But remember to read the terms of use of the new service before using it!
The Second Life Invite Friends tool is visible only to Second Life members, so if you are joining Koinup, right now......well, remember to select Second Life as your world.....and as soon as you will have completed the registration you will come across the link to Invite your Friends.....click and follow the instructions
Thanks to the “Koinup-SL Friends” tool, you can access your Second Life Buddies list directly from Koinup, with a single click!
The SL Invite Friends Tools is based on the digital library, called LibSecondLife
We are investigating is there is any chance to import your friends from other virtual worlds.....so stay tuned, you guys coming from other metaverses!
Very nice!! Too bad I don't use SL. Maybe you'll add for IMVU and Kaneva?
we hope to add it for other worlds....the problem is that Kaneva and IMVU don't have open resources..to use for it
Unfortunately my screen does not have this link to click. :(
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