Eves Rodenberger is a long time member of Koinup and one of the most appreciated second life photographers we have here on the website!
She is spending all the time in SL, trying to capture all the beauty you have on the grid and she is perfect for that job!
I invite you to have a look at her amazing stream of photos and also inworld, where she is showing her creativity at the Monroe Snook art gallery!
Here's the Interview with Eves
Q: When you're creating new art and photos, where do you draw ideas and inspiration from?
A: That really depends ... some ideas are just spontanuous based on the scene or people I see, some are developing over time based on imagination and inspiration I get from RL and SL
Q: What advice would you give to newcomers and beginners with Second Life art and photography
A: Learn the basics of moving the camera and get familiar with the graphic and windlight settings, play as much as possible and take pictures until you feel comfortable ... I always found a lot of inspiration in the work of Koinup and Flickr friends ... and ask questions, there are many nice people around who can help.
Q: Which are your fav works on Koinup and why you love them
A: Well I am certainly biased but I really love the stream from Panteleimon Aeon and his latest picture "Dream of the butterflies" is just stunning
Another favorite is Carlotta Ceawlin´s "Reach for the Stars", she has such a unique way of using textures in her work which really amases me a lot.
A new artist which really is showing brilliant work is Jenn Villota with "when you get there... tell me how it is", (). I hope to see more work from her. There are so many more artists to mention, the list is always growing.
Q: Which Koinup artists you should recommended for the next Koinup Interview?
A: Ohhh that is going to be a very long list ... and it will keep you busy for long time. Besides the ones I have already mentioned other fav artists are Lano, Tur, Venk, Ariel Brearly, Trixibelle and a newcomer which I believe will add a lot of new inspiration to all of us ... Orlandorunningbear.
Q: If you should make a reportage from the Metaverse, what places you would love to photograph and share with your friends?
A: Las Islas sim with it´s Islands is not only stunning but also shows a lot of shadow rendering which is so important in pictures. Taking photos there is just great and relaxing too. There are so many nice places in SL, the list is endless and growing ... but unfortunately some nice places are disappearing too. (browse second life places on Koinup to see other cool hotspots)
Q: What are your upcoming projects in Second Life?
A: Well I have to update my work in Monroe Snook´s gallery with new pictures and will show some in other galleries too plus my never ending journey of taking pictures keeps me busy.
Q: Are you already exploring other worlds for creative ventures? What have you found there?
A: Unfortunately not as SL keeps me busy .. actually RL too.
Browse more Eves Rodenberger works here or read the others Koinup Interview here
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