Poid Mahovlich is an eclectic second life artist. She is involved in the machinima scene, in the amazing second life architecture community and she also is one of the main co-ordinators of the Burning Life project
Poid is quite active on Koinup since some months and she use to share some fantastic places she stumpleupon in the grid, each day.... Have a look at her stream here
Here's the Interview
Q: What is your main activity in SL and your fav artistic activity while you are in the grid?
A: I have a varied selection of activities that I do grid wide, I'm mainly involved in Arts development - My current fav activity at the moment is making machinima , here's my page on Youtube
My first one being life is a bowl of ... followed by The Hotel Dare room 9 - both machinema films also show some of the most recent work that I have been building on the grid, most of which is ephemeral - so to document it both via SL snapshot photography and machinema makes both sence and is also a creative way to continue working - I use a space navigator, fraps and sony vegas to create and edit with. I have been involved in machinema making for the last year or so but I wanted to start to make my own all by myself - so that is the task I set myself for this first half of the year.
Q: When you're creating new artworks, where do you draw ideas and inspiration from?
A: I'm inspired by people, situations and captivating places, like photographers are - I Have a weakness for the unusual and I like to create illusions by way of telling a story with my images. I like the mundane day to day simple things which I randomly come across, which stand out in silent brilliance, and as already mentioned the odd & strange - I was one of those kids who collected bugs and played with fire.
Q: What advice would you give to beginners with Second Life and Second Life artistic tools?
A: Jump head long into tools and experiment with all you can get hold of - find your own way around and try to capture what moves you, affects & inspires you. Visit a new sim as often as you can and have a good look all around you as you never know what will be above or below. Windlight settings is a fun and very easy way to change perspective on the world around you. If you don't know where to start, Torley Linden has some great online tutorials available just google his name.
Q: Tell me two Koinup members you should recommended for the next Koinup Interview?
A: bark - - simple stunning gallery!
sabrainsl - - I love how this makes me feel I'd be intersted in what each had to say.
Q: If you should bring a friend of you into the Metaverse, what places you would love to show him?
A: Tough question as there is just so much to see in Second Life and always new things springing up but it would have to include tp trips to The Wastelands where I have my own home base feel free to drop in anytime - Junkyard (slurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/The%20Junkyard/212/151/73 ) would definately be a place I would show, also Alexander Beach (slurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Alexander%20Beach/127/127/25 ) would be another as the arcitecture by Scope Cleaver is the best I have seen in Second Life by far.
Hosoi Ichiba (slurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Japan%20Kanto/221/175/30 ) I would also show - that would do to start with :)
Q: What are your upcoming projects in Second Life?
I am continuing to work on the Burning Life project with the 2009 event coming up later on in the year - I'm working as an art director/curator for this event which I am looking forward to greatly. I have a smattering of other varied and diverse projects also in the pipeline they will evolve throughout the year ahead one by one. Steady as she goes :)
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