Taken by Vint Falken in the new Rezzable Private Sim this photo show the potential you already can get with the Open Sim Photography and Building tools.
Plants & lighthouse depicts a vegetal sculpty in a perfect windlight environment.....you can browse other similars Open Sims photos here
The metaverse photography is expanding in new worlds and realms! Browse more Open Sim Pictures here
Thank you very mucho for mentioning. OpenSim is exactly the same as Second Life as it comes to the fact that without creators it has no reason to exist. As soon there are people building beautiful & innovative things to enjoy, it matters less that you need to leave your hair behind, or that there are a few bugs still. Residents made Second Life and residents can make OpenSim succeed. And imho, they will, if Linden Lab keeps sc****ng them over.
thanks Vint for said it ...I can agree with you.......
and indeed thanks to rezzable for creating such a beautiful sims in both the worlds!
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