The Sims 2 Art scene is incredibly rich and vibrant. Ticticc13 is a well known, skilled and excelent Sims Artist
She has a long experience in the Sims Creativity scene. She run a website devoted to her creations and helped us as judge in the Koinup Sims 2 Spring Contest
You can browse here her fantastic stream of photos
Here's the Interview
Q: When you're creating new artworks, where do you draw ideas and inspiration from?
A: I draw mine mostly from movies, TV commercials, Music Videos, Books and things I see around me... Everyday life happenings... Even the most boring to the most exciting... Whether I'm drinking coffee here, or waiting for the day out of work, I observe almost everything... From kids I see in the morning, until late nights when I'm still up. Even simple gestures of my officemates can inspire me. ;)
Q: What advice would you give to newcomers and beginners with The Sims Art and photography?
A: I think every Simmer knows where to go... There's two kind of Sims 2 Art for me... One involves drawing and photomanipulation and the other one, pure in-game photography. Even though I favor the latter, my advice is not to limit yourselves in just one style. Be creative and don't be afraid to experiment. Trust your work. Know the Sims 2 game, and learn from the experts the trick of the trade. Not only with virtual world artists but also pro-photographers and digital painters. Aim to be the best. Always.
Q: What are you favourite tools for editing? Is there some cool tricks about photo editing and/or your artistic style you'd love share with friends ?
A: My all time favorite editing software has always been Photoimpact. I also use two others, Photoshop - when I need to do super heavy edits or Photomatix Pro when I want to generate Sims 2 HDR's (High Dynamic Range images). For drawing and minor enhancements, I use a Wacom Graphire tablet. As for tricks, I made an editing tutorial recently for everyone which can be downloaded freely from The Sims Resource or in my Flickr. Of course, I'll be very, very happy to see images edited with my technique and hope you find it useful as much as I do.
Style, pretty variable depending on mood, but I absolutely love modern-contempo theme in realistic settings. Don't limit yourselves to just one style. ;)
Q: Tell me your absolute 3 fav works on Koinup and why you love them
A: I'd say Pale Rain by Sephiramy. I love the full composition of it. The colors, the drawing, the Sim models she used and the theme. SHe never fails to amaze me. (pale rain is also one of the winner of the Sims 2 Spring Contest)
Spring Itog by KateK. I love the composition as well and the carefree way she edited it.
Wishing in Spring by Celestialshores. Because of its simplicity and everything was effectively done in-game.
Q: Two Koinup members you should recommended for the next Koinup Interview and why?
A: Celestialshores - I have always adored her simplistic but very effective in-game photography.
Sephiramy - is the finest Sims 2 frankensteining artist for me.
Q: What are your upcoming artistic projects?
A: I'm currently working on a Sims 2 Machinima. Besides editing Sims 2 in-game screenshots, it's also one of my favorite things to do with the Sims 2.
Q: Along with The Sims, are you exploring and testing other worlds or games as tools for creativity
A: Hmmm, I did with the other EA/Maxis game 'Spore.' I would like to try my hand on Second Life sometime.
Go ahead and browse some other fantastic TicTicc13 works
That Was A Great Interview Tic! I Really Enjoyed Reading It! I Learned Something New About You!^__^ Take Care!
Loved the interview. Congrats on being interviewed Tictic.
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