It’s gonna be some of the coolest stuff I see each week and I know its a bit time-consuming for a lot of you to work your way through all the new uploads ( and past stuff too) to find things that you really like... hopefully I can save you some time if this is the case ....
....and I am thinking of doing stuff with general themes week I will do the coolest action week romantic stuff...and so on, well...thats the idea anyway..:)) so that it’s not just my taste but all sorts of styles and themes....
and some weeks I will probably just ramble a bit ...

This one from the very talented Magggg, taken in SL, I believe, starts off my little selection this week. Maggg does some very romantic stuff and I will, no doubt, be showing more of her stuff later. You can see the full size version here, its called Plug in Baby.
I’m in a rather space-girl phase at the moment myself so it appeals to my current mindset. ‘Chimera’ being an amalgam of stuff, which we all are...
RockerFaerie is, I’m sure, as well known to you all as Magggg and this one I love for its’s very easy to get too complicated with the images we make but this one just cuts through it all and the sixties image is striking and memorable.

Its called Miss Jinx and is presumably of the lady of that name in Second Life... the original is here... again... I am pretty sure I’ll be talking more about Rockerfaerie in due course...

This is Terokkar at Night, a shot from World of Warcraft by another very talented and productive photographer .... Morgana le Fay.. (great name..:)) and the large size lets you get into that evening light in this great piece of landscaping. There are a few of her shots of Terokkar that are well worth looking at.

I really liked this one too.. by Starla Grey.. taken in the Sims, its just ooozing with that 50’s screen star feel and is classic cheesecake... makes me smile..:)) again...the original is here and its called Adriana.

This photo is by CookieMia16 and from IMVU, just so we get around the Metaverse a bit..:)) and I chose it this week cos it's a bit edgy which makes a change from the usual rather soft stuff that normally comes out of IMVU. The original 'deteriorate' is here....
So, hope that that gives you some new stuff to look round and .....because a know-it-all never learns anything, I am very happy to look at stuff some of you may want to send to email is just comment below.
soror Nishi :)))
I like!!!
well, thanks for that. A little encouragement on a new venture is always welcome...:))
Really interesting, Soror... good to have a wide point of view on what happens in Koinup!
Cheers!!! ^___^
thanks Morgana, your images are an inspiration to us all....
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