This sim is owned by Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI). From what I can tell they just utilize SecondLife to virtually dive and also advertise their real world presence. Additionally, Dive World promotes Project Aware not only through traditional channels but via a game you can play on the sim. Project Aware is a nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving underwater environments. They perform cleanups and conservation and education on protecting our RL oceans. Check out Project Aware here: and PADI here:
This work above from YuNeo_Nagy simply titled Dive World_35 is a wonderful composition. It not only is a lovely perspective but the use of the light is mighty clever. The other part I really liked about this piece was how real it looked.
KikiDeVinna did a fantastic job catching her subject scuba diving in her piece called Diving Larz. I love all the details captured in this shot. From the bubbles to the whales in the background she doesn't lose the subject of her piece.
_oO-Sieg-Oo_'s work called Night captures the coral reef with wonderful contrast when shot in the night setting. The tropical fish just pop against darkness of the reef.
I found this last pic by doing a tag search as it wasn't in the collection. I want to remind all you SL'rs to tag your pictures with the SLURL and share them with the rest of the community. All you need to do is add the sim name with /128/128/0 at the end of the prepopulated field titled Add SLurl.
Fiona Haworth
Guest Author -
Staff Blogger - Phantom’s Republic
Co-Owner - Prim Pads
Twitter - Fiona_Haworth
Guest Author -
Staff Blogger - Phantom’s Republic
Co-Owner - Prim Pads
Twitter - Fiona_Haworth
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