Things get worse as you find...
a) you are having the worse of all possible hair days imaginable in any world
b) your clothes are worse than any tramp would be seen wearing
c) you walk like a duck
d) you are penniless
Yes, it is like a birth, being a noob...and like Life, the whole thing is a journey.... the land may be virtual but the journey is real.
It is certain that many don’t unpack even, they just turn around and get the hell out.

Canella has captured that travelling feeling really well.... the start of a journey, in her image from the Sims, called Somewhere..... yes, that’s for sure... we are all somewhere...:)

Now voyaging over seas is an archetypal image for a psychic journey. The sea is the image of the shifting, deep unconscious and we are all at the mercy of forces beyond our control.
Torley has made a great image of that feeling here, Most Dignified Journey of the Many-Ventured Envoys is, I think, a great title.
Intrepid pioneers setting out for unknown lands.... sound like anyone you know? Oh

TanaRobbiani has us landed in Africa, the Unknown, in her fine piece The Journey Through Africa. I really like everything about this image, colour, composition and content.
Journeying in an unknown land.

Hermes Slade seems to have his subject ‘arrived’,.... but you never really stop travelling as the ship in the centre of the photo seems to indicate. You pause for a while ... 362 Kawai Long Journey... about to start, or just ended...the ambiguity is interesting.
Well, the journey for all of us, it seems to me, is the one that takes us nearer to our full potential. Not a straightforward path, but the only real journey worth taking is the one that leads over turbulent seas to strange and foreign places.
Tourist and seeker alike ... keep posting those snaps documenting your paths....
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