dear friends, we're glad to announce the 1.1 Version of Metaverse Wallpapers, the iPhone/iPad app featuring the most amazing Second Life Wallpapers. What's new with this update? Basically we worked on two main areas:
1. Look and Feel
The new version is much more elegant and beautiful. We decided to use a different tone and colors for the interface
2. Performance Improvements
If the old 1.0 version was quite responsive, the new one is much more faster. We worked deeply on the caching to improve responsivity and visualization of wallpapers.
Now, with the new caching system, customers on 3G and WiFi connection are supposed to get a super-friendly experience. They can enjoy the wallpapers and browse the various categories in a ease, fast and engaging way. The following are some screenshots, taken from the new Metaverse Wallpapers Version
You can purchase the app at .99$ on the iTunes or AppStore

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