Thursday, September 4, 2008

Second Life Cool Destinations

Right now on Koinup, you can discover which are the hot sims of the moment and the most popular sims of Second Life! ù
The Places Directory is exactly a new way to get the eyes on the most trendy and coolest places over there in Second Life (and soon in other virtual worlds)
But I suggest you to have a look with your eyes!

Right now, very hot for the Koinup Community is:
Welsh Cove, the amazing/country hangouts created by Am Radio

HappyMood, the cute japanese island

Orisis, the surreal and relaxing hotspot in the sky

Probably you'are wondering......who selected these sims as the most popular and coolest......You're right, it is a crucial question....

Users are the judges of the popularity of a Place
A place is ranked as popular on Koinup if there are many photos about it and if there are many people sharing it.....

the most people are interested and take photograph of that place, the most it is popular, coolest and the most probably it will be showcased in the front page of the place sections!

It is the power of user generated contents and opinions....

Get the widgtet of Welsh Cove Pool, here

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