Cienega Soon is one of the most authoritative Second Life Artist
She won the the Exotic Contest and recently got the third prize in the Winter Photo Hunt
She run a gallery in Second Life, while also managing personal website and a cool blog. Now she is also opening a new gallery, called Juicy, that will serve as an experimental place for Second Life Artists
I invite you to keep your radars on this fantastic artist, browse her koinup works and read also the Interview
(previous Koinup interviews are here and here
Here's the Interview
Q: When you're creating new contents and photos, where do you draw ideas and inspiration from?
A: Inspiration for me is the moment. Everywhere I look there is something to capture. Moods also bring about themes as well, exposing my emotions in my work can be seen from time to time
Q: What advice would you give to newcomers and beginners with Second Life art and photography
A: Have fun, explore, try all the settings and begin posting some work on Koinup in the mentor program. There are many wonderful artists that are willing to help or give some great tips to creating with our digital SL photography.
If you can shoot in a high resolution your post work will be easier. Really there are no rules so try everything. For the most part this is a new place, a new medium to create in. But as will all photography the original shot is important. Explore angles and lighting when you shoot, the rest is experimenting. For me many shots that I've done post work on were happy mistakes that were not planned. Have Fun!
Q: Which are your fav works on Koinup and why you love them?
A: There are so many fantastic artists on Koinup ... the list can be endless.
I am drawn to darker, deeper colors and depth. I love seeing all the virtual worlds pictures being displayed, how each artist exposes the best of their world so well. The Human need to create everywhere they go is fasinating to me. I am drawn to that alone. There are those that create with very little, making a very big statement to drink in and those that use much detail causing long moments of exploration deep into their pieces of art. I am very impressed by many artists at Koinup
Q: Which Koinup artists you should recommended for the next Koinup Interview?
A: I have two that make me stay inside their work:
first choice: Sion567.
Absolutely beautiful expression with each capture. Moods that tell stories, I am moved by all that I see in that stream (browse Sion567 Photos here)
second choice: Carlotta Ceawlin
A darkness rich and velvety. She has awesome beautiful work (browse Carlotta Ceawlin works)
Q: If you should make a reportage from the Metaverse, what places you would love to photograph and share with your friends?
A: This list is endless because I mostly map hop. I am always surprised by what has been created on the grid. Artists created the whole of it. Passion is what brings about our Second Life world. This world changes almost daily. I do collect lists of great places to see and shoot. The list is never complete and I have found that list is obsolete at the same time as some builds don't stay up long. Explore Always. Remember around every prim is more that someone spilled their passion with. Buildings, terrain, textures, all just waiting to be caught in your artistic eye. Go to your Search at the top right corner of your SL screen and type in any description your wanting to shoot; forest, snow, winter, urban, desert, beach, buildings, city, and so on. You will be surprised at what you land in and the settings are usually picturesque. Start shooting "-)
Q: What are your upcoming projects in Second Life?
A: I am opening a new small gallery called, "Juicy". It will house a few of my newest unseen artwork, but most importantly it will serve as new SL artists exhibit room. Once a month there will be a week long showing of one new artist. January 3rd, 2009 will open with a new artist .... I am keeping my eyes open for the first "-)
Q: Are you already exploring other worlds for creative ventures?
A: I have much to do in Second Life at this point with Cienega's and her travels, so all other worlds are not on my list at this time. My websites keep me busy as well ... and somewhere RL needs attention ... Great Danes require walking and zooming :)
Second Life Photo Artistry is my thing!
Browse more Cienega
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