Save this date: Today, 26th of may at 1PM SLT (also known as Pacific Time) join us at the Reaction Grid for the Rocking the Metaverse 2nd show!

There will be some of the most incredible musicians and artists of the metaverse waiting for you on the other side of your teleport in the Reaction Grid. To name a few: Doubledown DJ Tandino, Talia Tokugawa, Slim Warrior, Dizzy Banjo, J0anna, Vive Voom aka Luca Lisci (the list here)
Get all the info about the Rocking the Metaverse show, here
To signup and join the show at the Reaction Grid, look here
very good information
i really thankful for providing very good information
i used this post at night when i think about my friends and family so i really thankful for providing very good information
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