I'm so pleased to see so many great snaps of not only some of the established sculptors like Light Waves/Starax and Bryn Oh, but some of the up and comers like Amael Juran and Mo Ames. The collection contains 216 works submitted by 44 members and are totally worth the time to flip through them all.
2D pictures of a 3D object on a 2D screen is a bit like a mirror looking into another mirror infinitely as I think about it. So I took the time and visited these pieces "in person" as they were meant to be seen via our SL viewer. Thanks to those of you that added place links! I encourage all others posting to this group to do the same and allow us to visit these jaw dropping pieces.
Toxicmenges' snapshot features a bevy of beauties from the ever talented Amael Juran. Amael's sculptures are not only stunning but they are flawlessly smooth, highly versatile, and amazingly low prim. Each piece has a ton of options and is even modifiable for more customization.
Lookatmy Back's Alpha and Omega is a beautiful shot of Light Waves / Starax piece. Light Waves or his earlier incarnation Starax is the big daddy of sculpture on the grid. He's been producing sculptures long before sculpties and has just gotten better since those were introduced.
Machinima by: kyota
Kyota's lovely vid not only shows off Joy's sculptures at the Mermaid Temple sim, but also cuts in a bit of the process that goes into making such a lovely work of 3D art. The film takes us in and out of the 3D program as it shows off the piece in game.
If your group is having a contest or an event, please PM me on Koinup and let me know. I'd love to cover all the fun to be had in joining such expressive groups of people from all over.
Fiona Haworth
Guest Author - Koinup.com
Staff Blogger - Phantom’s Republic
Co-Owner - Prim Pads
Twitter - Fiona_Haworth
Oh, my! Thank you so much! ^_^
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