In SL there is a tendency for the distinction between art and craft to break down. Artist, craftsman, and builder have to merge really in order to make a great piece of art.
Alizarin Goldflake falls into this category and her work shows her intelligence and craftsmanship to such a degree that it is ‘available’ to all. Now, that does not mean that there is a ‘dumbing down’, that it is so simple any fool will enjoy it, it actually comes from a great skill, namely the ability to combine the complex and the simple in an unselfconscious way.

Aliz is holding an open studio and her latest piece Acquarella is the centrepiece of her go, it’s a must see.
If you have a mermaid av....
She describes her piece thus... “an aquarium on a cosmic scale, filled with swaying, lacey aquatic plants, schools of neon tetras, animated angelfish and goldfish, drifts of diatoms, and huge green lily pads that bob up and down in the invisible current. Pose balls invite people to swim to the songs of whales, and throughout there are traces of an untold story. Who is hunting whom with those ghostly sonar pings?”
We are in agreement about not providing a complete backstory, telling a visitor how they should view art, and Aliz has taken this one step further, inviting people to make their own...
Throughout ACQUARELLA there are traces of an untold story. A fragment of a submarine that torpedoed itself hints at an apocalyptic destruction that could possibly be a metaphor. Who is hunting whom with those ghostly sonar pings? Why does color sometimes creep into a largely monochrome vision? How to explain the fact that the black and white tetrasschool, while their rainbow-hued counterparts are solitary? Who is Acquarella? Is she a giantess or are we liliputian? People are invited to submit their own back stories via in-world notecard to Alizarin Goldflake or by going to and dropping their stories in the comment box under the Acquarella post. A panel of 3 judges will choose the most creative story, which will be published via an Art & Artists Network! group notice and will receive a L$1,500 prize on December 28! Deadline for submissions is December 21.”
so....all you wordsmiths out there...have a go..

Its one of those buildings that is easy to get around, as there are tp points to the different floors...
Other Atelier Alizarin Attractions include: a Meditation Garden (work in progress), Orfeo's Oratorio, immersive art and musical kinetics in Sky Studio Night, The Particularium on the third floor, RL digital drawings on the second floor, 2-D digital collages on the first floor, and a beautiful sculpture park on the ground.

Take a look at this image, this quality of texture is extremely rare in SL, its not a photograph, its a digital drawing, and that’s Aliz’s greatest skill, her penmanship; she’s a “pencil squeezer” (Ian Drury) and her 2D work is some of the finest, if not the finest you will see. The quality of work that comes from a trained and skilled hand cannot be surpassed by fads and gimmicks.
Her work is currently discussed at the beginning of (a very long.......) podcast (number 73) from Brooklyn is Watching, where, like at UWA she wins “people’s choice’ type awards for her work.

She’s also one of the nicest people you could meet.
In other news...... well, Magoo is changing forever at the end of the week, the radio is playing Xmas songs, and The Companion, a sim by Miskat Qinan, me and Frigg Ragu will open on Tuesday....see local press for details.... and we look forward to Bettina Tizzy's return in NWN (even tho it is an inferior rival blog..:))))))
soror Nishi AKA soror Nishi
YAY ALI(my twin)
i just agree :) Alizarin is nice and a productive artist withe a big A!
Betty Tureaud
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