Dear readers, we're pleased to announce the launch of a new column on the Koinup Blog. It will be called: Style Across the Worlds
and it will guide you through the most fashionist people, style, trends that are spreading out (NOW) from the Metaverse. The column will be held by Harper Beresford.
Second Life bon vivant, business woman, and builder, Harper Beresford is the Duchess of RFyre (CMO and Business Manager) and blogger for House of RFyre. A Second Life Mentor, owner of two sims–Avant Garde and Vanguard, photographer, art collector, and jewerly-maker, Harper has made her mark on the virtual fashion scene with her SL fashion blog, A Passion for Virtual Fashion (http://slfashionpassion.wordpress.com).
Harper also write for Harper’s Bizarre and blog about women's fashion for the Costa Rica sims. Harper has shown SL photography in RL in Berlin, Florence, and San Francisco as well as published in Architectural Digest in Italy, and she has also published academic writing about SL.
Stay tuned with the weekly fashion digest Style Across the Worlds by Harper Beresford!
Welcome to the team Harper!
Can't wait to read Harper posts
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