I cannot tell you what a delight it is perusing the 532 works inside this group made of 191 members. The pics all make me grin from ear to ear and remember all the fun snaps I have taken. I made a slide show in game of all of mine and continually add to them. I'll have to upload them to this group to share with everyone as well. :-)
Brunaozao captured this lovely shot of him and his pals playing the most favorite of all American past times....football.
I love this shot from Emms called Beer Cooler Girls. This is so me and my girls! Party on ladies.
Photo by: CarlottaCeawlin
This is a fab pic titled Walking on the Edge by Carlotta Ceawlin. Now that is a friend!
Lastly I want to thank all my friends for the endless amounts of love. I would feel far less fortunate without you all (yes I know you are reading...thanks). As for the rest of you, please feel free to PM me or friend me on Koinup and tell me all about what's happening in your groups. You never know when you'll be Koinup's Cream of the Crop pick of the week!
Guest Author - Koinup.com
Staff Blogger - Phantom’s Republic
Co-Owner - Prim Pads
Twitter - Fiona_Haworth
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