Dear readers, we're ready to show you the first snapshots of the upcoming 3d Wallpapers app that we're going to release on the Nokia Ovi Store. It will take about a couple of weeks before you will be able to purchase the app on the Nokia store. But, we have stolen some screenshots from the lab ( ;-), in order to give you a sneak preview of how will be the app.
As you can see the app is able to display a list of categories, a gallery of images and it will give the end-users the ability to set the images as screen wallpapers or otherwise save them on the gallery. You can browse the contents in various way, by browsing the galleries, or move back and forward on the single images.
Here's how it will look like on the Nokia 5630 XpressMusic
If you missed some previous announcements, probably you might want to know, that we have picked the first images for the app. Read more here
Sooo long..I can't keep myself waiting anymore! When does the application will be approved by Ovi?
we're almost ready! the app is in the store, they're caching the new apps for local distributions....and it will be available in only few days
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