We're glad to announce the Sims Wallpapers Contest. A new challenge for Koinup members to enter the hall of fame of digital art!
The Sims Wallpapers Contest is a competition for digital artists that use the Sims (2 & 3), as canvas for creativity. Along with being an incredible tool for machinima "The Sims" (2 & 3) has been lately used by many artists as a tool for digital and fan art creation. Koinup is the 1st place where you can admire some of the most incredible creations made with The Sims 2&3.
The most beautiful entries of the contest, picked by a jury made up by Sims2Cri and Liliana Morosini, two authoritative experts in Sims art and culture, will be included in 3D Wallpapers.
3D Wallpapers is the highly popular mobile app built by Koinup for all the Nokia Smartphones that feature the most amazing images of videogames and virtual worlds. You can download the app on your Nokia mobile from the Ovi Store.
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