Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Twinity: busy in here

Upon returning from holiday, I noticed I missed a new Twinity event: the Twinity Community awards! Obviously an event I would have liked to attend, as I was nominated in the "Best Twinity Blogger" category. I didn't win; the award went (deservedly I might add) to Dee, who is an outstanding, dedicated Twinity blogger. Congratulations to Dee, and all other winners of course!

As Dee remarked a few weeks ago: it's getting busier in Twinity. Tonight I had my first hour in Twinity after my holiday, and it has gotten markedly busier over that timeframe. There were almost fourty people at the opening party of the new Hanging Palms club in Ibiza, and the Twinity Welcome area housed well over 30 people at the same time. Many other Twinizens were spread all over the world, so it was quite busy, for a weekday in summertime. And I have the pictures to prove it:

Many new Twinizens at the Welcome Area:
Twinity: New Twinizens at Twin...

At the Hanging Palms party, most people chatted at the apartment, but a few were dancing on the beach:
Twinity: Hanging Palms opening...

And while in the apartment, I noticed a few peacefully meditating Twinizens!
Twinity: Hanging Palms opening...

All in all, Twinity is rapidly becoming a more interesting place, with some new stuff on the way as well. More about that - hopefully - later!

Sered Woollahra blogs at Sered's lives and lives in Second Life, Twinity, Eve Online and OpenSim.


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