There are at least two ways to discover amazing Second Life (and OpenSims) destinations. The first one is about subscribing to the well know Second life places directories as the Koinup Places or the Linden Lab Destination Guide. The other way is to follow amazing and prolific photo reporters. One of them is Rocapc.
Rocapc is a Koinup member since 2009 and in about one year he posted on his profile more than 2000 pics. All the images include slurls and complete information to visit the featured places.
Unlike other photographers, Rocapc uses to explore both Second Life and the Open Sims. So you can find valuable his stream, even if you're thinking to start exploring the most interesting areas of the OpenSims clusters.
Add Rocapc stream to your bookmars and/or add him to your friends on Koinup
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