Metaverse Wallpapers is now available in the iTunes and iPhone/iPad/iPod appstores with a new 1.2 version. You can download here and/or search for "Metaverse Wallpapers" in the devices appstores.
What's new with the 1.2 Release?
Basically there are two main upgrades
1. There's a new fresh Twitter Integration. Now you can indeed share wallpapers displayed in the app directly to your Twitter account and spread them to your friends.
2. We started to feature in the app, a series of wallpapers created in all virtual worlds. If though, most of wallpapers are created/built in Second Life, we added a series of wallpapers made with The Sims Graphics and OpenSims. We're looking forward to recruit and display wallpapers also from World of Warcraft, IMVU and other virtual worlds...
With the latest bulk upload of wallpapers we included graphics and pictures created by the following koinup artists: Lanay, SpankiM, rocapc, ordinary, maagiha, link, shoji, Enaya, skottyK, KoroCarnell, Honour, QuadrapopTree (thanks guys for helping us to make a great app)
Next Steps
We're still recruiting wallpapers and graphics to display in the app. All virtual worlds members are invited to contribute with their pictures and wallpapers. There's a dedicated group on Koinup: Virtual Worlds Wallpapers for taking submissions (read the rules and guidelines before submit yours)
Is an Android version available one day?
The Android Version is definitely in the roadmap. But we can't commit to a specific release date. it
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