According to PostRank - the Social Analytics Web Software - Koinup is the 2th most popular social destination for Second Life Members and it's just the 3rd if you consider all the Virtual Worlds Industry
The First Most Popular website is Massively for Second Life Members and "WoW Insider" for Virtual Worlds members.
The First Most Popular website is Massively for Second Life Members and "WoW Insider" for Virtual Worlds members.
Koinup is displayed at the 2nd and 3rd position and it's also featured at the 11th position for the Directory of Second Life Places
We're pretty amazed by this results. But first of all, we are so grateful to our members and visitors. Thanks for making Koinup such a popular and important website!!! Read More here
Brief Updates: The Aggregator of Virtual Worlds Sources and Websites - Virtual Environments - just added the Koinup Blog to the list of authoritative sources of virtual worlds and metaverse informations.
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