Would you like to keep under your eyes pictures and videos created by your contacts? Now, you can. We just added a new feature: “you contacts works” page
“Contats works” has two sides.
The first side is about launch page. Since now, each time you logged in Koinup you can view not only recent works published on Koinup, but also the recent works published by your contacts. In This way you can check out what are doing your friends in the website. At the same time, your contents are now more visible to people that have you in their friends/contacts lists.
The other side is about user pages. With this new feature when you browse the pages of some Koinup member, you can browse also in him/her contacts' works. You can find this page in the head menu of each koinup member (see the image above)
Thanks to this page you can find the latest 5 pictures, stories or machinima created by him/her contacts.
Your Koinup experience could greatly benefits from this new feature. To get the most from it, I suggest you to search for people which share your interest and style, add them to your contacts. Increase your connections, use Koinup to meet people which share your interests, skills and style. Get involved in this community!
Let us know if you come across some problem with this new Koinup brand feature
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