Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Take Part in User Created Projects!

Some Cool Koinup Members have launched awesome projects, this time I would love to talk you about the Pile Up Project

The Pileup Project is by Ji_Dallagio (soon followed by Antonella) and it is about collective editing!!

The following is the detailed description of the Pile Up Project and how to take part in it:


Antonella posted a raw untouched screenshot:


She added the tag: pileup and princetownpileup
on the image!

It does mean that

every Koinup Member is invited to edit, postprocess, change it and create its own version of the original image

You can save the Antonella Image on your Pc and start your experiments!

When you have created your own version, please upload it on Koinup and add you, too the tag: pileup and princetownpileup

Each Pileup has two tags:
1) the primary tag: pileup (for every pileups)
2) the sedondary tag, that have to end with: pileup, for example: radiopileup

So if you want start a new pile up, remember to add the primary tag:
pileup and a secondary tag ".......pileup"
(thanks Rhondita for suggest this solution)

Or, otherwise if you want to contribute to an exhisiting pileup, remember to add both the primary and the secondary tag of that pileup to your entry!

All Pileup-ed Pictures will be available here:

(This game is not restricted to Second Life, I would love to see participants from different worlds, gilds, games and style)

If you are interested in other community projects, have a look please at the Mentor Project


Socks said...


I threw one into the ring for ya. Enjoy!

Pier said...

great man!
I suggest to launch a broadcast or make some buzz on it....in order to get people on your pileup

and remember to tag, the secondary tag, to distinguish your pileup from the others....

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