The third round of the Koinup Pathfinder Competition is devoted to History.
Discover amazing historical sims and win a set of awesome *fresh poses*, supplied by Ana Lutetia
Pay attention to the Second Life Places already featured on Koinup, they can't be included in the count of the new sims discovered
Need some examples of historical themes? A reconstruction of the ancient Rome is historical, a sim filled with pyramids is historical, a remake of Paris in the eighteenth century is historical, a victorian areas and costumes is historical........ hope these suggestions help you to find your course
The Koinup Pathfinder Competition is a weekly contest hosted on Koinup. Each week we will select a theme and we will ask Koinup members to discover new sims related to this theme and post them on Koinup! Read the full description here
The competition will start today wednesday 11/19/08 and will end next week, wednesday 11/26/08. The winners will be announced here on the Koinup Blog
The winners will be announced 11/26/08 and they will be asked to contact us at our official email address: for claiming the release of prizes.
The prize of this week is a fantastic set of *fresh poses* created and supplied by the fashionista, poser and blogger Ana Lutetia
Koinup Pathfinder Competition is a competition brought to you by Koinup and sponsored by some of the best known, popular and professional Metaverse Developers.
Image is by Liqueur Felix shooted in New Paris
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