We are ready to announce the winners of the Pathfinder Contest (third round competition)! The theme of the week was "Historical Sims" and some members discovered (and posted) some amazing history places.
You can view the whole stream of the latest second life sims discovered!
The winners are:
Some examples of the historical sims suggested by the winners?
Victoriana Square (click the image above to see more)
and much more, look here
The winners are invited to contact us at editor@koinup.com , letting us know their sl names and claiming the prizes
I remember to all of you that the prize of this week is a set of FreshPoses, the amazing poses kindly supplied by Ana Lutetia
Ana Lutetia, just a reminder, is one of the most popular and claimed fashionist and poser here in Second Life and she recently joined the crew of Pathfinder as a Partner Deceloper
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