It's the story of a shipwrecked girl who goes undercover as a eunuch in the crazy love-charged land of Illyria. The SL Shakespeare Company's long-awaited open-ended run of Twelfth Night, Act 1 is anon! This opening act evolves to reveal the love triangle that silly girl-castrato Viola gets herself into. The unabridged first act contains ample fun—opportunities for you to hear Sir Toby Belch belch, delight in a tempest wrecking the Illyrian coast, see Duke Orsino jump off a balcony into a bed of violets, and much, much, more!
But, what's more fun for you is perhaps our invitation for you to join us in creativity (with booty)! Koinup and the SL Shakespeare Company have teamed up to offer a SL photography contest with several different prizes for artwork derived from the SL Shakespeare Company's open-ended run of Twelfth Night, Act 1. Read More
The submission time will start on March, 1th. But I'll suggest to have a look at the rules, since now and read the Contest Guidelines, here
Koinup & Sl Shakespeare Company invite you to "See the Show, Take Photos, Win 100000L$"
Other resources:
Read Press Release
SL Shakespeare Company website
SL Shakespeare Company's Twelfth Night Contest Page
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