Join us this coming Thursday 28th May at 1.00 pm SLT in the Orange Island Photo Gallery for an introduction to using Shadows in your Second Life art with Lordfly Digeridoo.
This session will be about getting shadows to work in Second Life and using them in your work. The first part will be a step by step tutorial for downloading the RC client to actually see shadows around your avatar. We will also discuss the many opportunities photographers now have to make their art more realistic.
Lordfly Digeridoo is a well known urban planner in Second Life, who has just made a machinima that shows how breathtaking the new shadow effects are.
You can also watch some of the works by Opensource Obscure: Experimental Realtime Shadows and Multiple Lights and Shadows and Projected Textures in Second Life.
Photo Sessions are events dedicated to help photographers share and collaborate. Orange Island and Koinup partner to make instructive classes for SL Photgraphers and especially the Second Life Comunity on Koinup.
Join the Photo Sessions group to stay tuned on the calendar of events
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