It’s interesting how many people spend a time away from the Virtual World of their choice, only to return and speak of how they feel like they are coming home.

Faerie Hax has captured this emotion brilliantly I think in this image We’re Going Home. It is a strong illustrative depiction of this and inspired me to look at this particular topic this week.

... it reminded me immediately of an image by Eves Rodenberger called Coming Home. I love this image, it’s a beautiful mixture of emotions, slightly surreal, amusing and well composed.

Fly Away Home has to be included in this little selection because I like the image making, Tessbaby has composed a very pleasing image. Birds have been symbols of thoughts and emotions for thousands of years and I like the understated nature of this composition. Do we go home when we sleep??
But, moving on to the bricks and mortar side of home, the actual structure, I wanted to point out how many different types of structure can be called home...

This photo by sabrainsl raises a particular question for me. Dreaming of Home2, a great image, seems to emphasise the point that homes and avatars need to fit.
There are lots of people who build their virtual homes, avatars and life styles to match their off-world lives, thats fine by me, not my choice, but it’s a free(ish) world..... but there are other possibilities...

Iggyo is maybe making just this point in his photo Hillbilly Home. Taken in “other worlds” it is a pleasant comment on the “realistic” apartments we have all seen, built with fitted kitchens and toilets....

However, as Allthor’s photo of World of Warcraft’s Dalaran shows, we are all enriched by having great builds, the homes of Lords and Princesses, the bizarre, surreal and the epic.
Home has often been seen as a symbol for the Self and the combination of dreams and reality makes it a perfect reflection of how we feel about our existence .... in any world. Fitting into our houses to make them homes is therefore pretty crucial....
Keep building folks, make it wild, weird and wacky.... make it home.
Indeed. "It’s interesting how many people spend a time away from the Virtual World of their choice, only to return and speak of how they feel like they are coming home." it is the real pholosofy of the on-line communities on this days as in-world. Loved all work posted here. My hugs to them.
it seems that all of us have a virtual world of choice and then make some trips in other hangouts....just to return soon in their fav world....completely agree with spyvsspyaeon on that....
I think its the people we miss too when we are away, some friends we have known for years.... hard to break those friendships...
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