So, if Mark reads Koinup, does that make me like "By Royal Appointment" like the tea bags the Queen uses? (Such esoteric ponderings, no wonder it's becoming the best blog around.)

...and...more..... stuff on UWA...on your intrepid reporter drowning in radioactive waste (see chilling photo above) at Deshima, and who is Marko Seurat? get back to UWA, well, 52 artists so far this month have put a piece of work into the monthly competition, November obviously, and, if you would like to see established artists and new people side-by-side in an open air setting, well, this, as I said last week is the place to come.

Bryn Oh's delightful Willow (above) was a well-deserved prize winner last month and, as with the other winners, is still on show.

and this delightful little toy train set by Dusty Canning is in this month's competition...

...but probably the big news here is that White Lebed, a very well respected curator and sculptress has become the latest artist in residence, after Quadrapop Lane, Glyph Graves, and myself.... and the gossip is (and who wants substantiated reports anyway?) that Angelgate is now ended and the owners gone from SL, or...the other way round to be precise....anyway...back to Art facts.....
This particular piece, Piano Player is one of my favourites, and to be found here, shown to perfection (as you would expect from someone with White's experience) along with many other of her pieces. This is a must see, in my book.
It has taken Jayjay Zinafwe a little by surprise he told me, this great surge in the artistic side of the University's online presence. Their popularity has provided them with plenty of good press apparently, and their third sim is chock full of creativity, Well, as I said in my last post good things come to good people...well, I didn't actually say that...but it was sorta implied...

Now....on to my intrepid explorations of outer space, going to unexplored domains and remote regions...etc..etc... anyway....get your space gear on and go out for a great photo session or, just to look around...what a magnificent build....

Lord only knows how long this all took to put together, as usual I have done no research whatsoever for this post...:)))
...well...I'm not Bettina...
but I can tell you its here and very much worth some of your valuable time....which I couldn't say about their mall (earth-side)...but hey, I was on the look-out for some funky space clothes.... usual I ended up at COCO, which is not spacey, just well made, cheap and trendy.
Don't go, you'll spend, especially if you are trying to impress, (as I have to admit I have been this week: successfully, it seems)..... I know we are getting into fashion, which Harper covers so well, and I'm digressing, but I do it so well....if you wanted serious you could read Dusan Writer (which I do, when I have time)... but he probably doesn't go to COCO, and gossips about the Boys.... whereas I only gossip about everyone.

So....who IS Marko Seurat??

Well, obviously a talented designer and builder who is, like many of the creative crew a pleasant and intelligent person. Well, not much more you need to know, except that you should pop over and see his place and have a chat..
His wonderful, avatar friendly designed house is here., although you will have to fly to the other side of the sim to get there. New Vladivostok has one of those slightly annoying forced TP points, assumedly to count traffic as the LL system is a total nonsense.... but as part bird, part human it is a bit silly, I think.
:)) love you all....Soror
I do believe I have Discovered By credit on Koinup for Marco's cathedral-esque build on New Vladivostok. heheh
My friend Olivia Hotshot says Marco is a swell guy. She knows him from Burning Life I think. I have not had the pleasure.
Love your blog.
-- Chimera Cosmos
I am so excited about my new home - UWA! I do think this place has a potential to be one of the best art places in SL. Wonderful group of artists, friendly creative environment, professional management, financial security for years to come. If you think it is too good to be true, come and visit us! ;)
I would like to thank Glyph Graves for recommending me JayJay Zinafwe for inviting me to be part of UWA. It is such an honor!
@ Chimera Cosmos well done. Feel free to email me or get in touch inworld if you come across important stuff. So glad you like the blog, I'm quite excited by Koinup's new push to be THE blog for VWs.
@ White Lebed, I am sure UWA is just as excited about having you onboard, you are a great talent...xxxx
that we are soror.... that we are!
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