Today, January 10th at 11:00am SLT, and awaiting on the other side of your teleport (directly telepor from here) will be Bryn Oh. For an hour, this talented content creator will give an intimate and informative tour of one of the most photogenic sims on the grid: Immersiva.
Read More on the NPIRL Blog
As right said by Bettina Tizzy, lead of the NPIRL group: "Immersiva is emerging as one of the truly great sims on the grid" ......and you can't miss this NPIRL safari!!!!
Once a month, NPIRL and Koinup are offering the NPIRL Safaris - with many of Second Life's best content creators, exposing the participants to new sims, new content, and new ideas that are leaving the old world behind and breaching the future.
The Not Possible IRL (NPIRL) and Impossible IRL (ImpIRL) groups are dedicated to identifying and sharing well conceived and realized content creation in Virtual Worlds which would not be possible in Real Life: architecture, landscaping, art, animations, fashion, particle effects, building tools and scripts... show me, I'll show you.
The image above, shooted at Immersiva, is by Karro Lean
You can browse other Immersiva Pictures
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